Saturday, June 16, 2012

Workflow issue with Content Type Hub

I have configured a content type hub in SP2010. My document content types have Expiration policies assigned to them. My record center application is a subscriber of the content type hub in the portal site collection. So the content types with policies get synchronized over to the record center.

In the main portal, I have a two stage policy triggered by an event date property. this first stage sends the document to the record center for archival. where the second stage kicks in and counts down a set number of years. at the expiration of this period, it is supposed to launch a disposition WF but it does not. I can find nothing in the event logs to hint at a problem.

Note. for testing I set the archival period of the second stage to 0 days. I run the expiration timer job manually to get it to trigger the policy, but nothing happens.

I use the same "0 day" trigger to test the first stage of the policy and it works fine.

The disposition WF starts automatically in the portal on docs that have policies that do not send them to the record center.

I can start the Disposition WF manually in the record center on docs that were sent there by my policy, and the disposition task gets created as it should. it just will not trigger the WF automatically.

If a published site content type has a workflow, and the content type is consumed in a another site, the workflow will have to be recreated and the following modification done:

  • Open “xoml.wfconfig.xml” of the workflow in Parent site/sitecollection
  • Find tag which says ‘<Template BaseID="{GUID}" ‘
  • Copy the GUID into workflow xoml in site/sitecollection that is consuming that content.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Site features causing issues - I found a resolution

I created site template by saving it from a minor customized blog site. I exported it in VS2010 and created a custom web template. Im seeing few site feature references along with some web features in its onet.xml.

After making the required changes, I

  1. deployed my solution in one of my web apps of my farm
  2. created a site collection from BLANK site template in that web app.
  3. activated my web template related features in my site collection
  4. Once I tried to create a sub site based on my Custom Web Tempplate, Im seeing the errors like "<GUID> feature not found"

The issue was due to the need of a manual activation of features referred in the Site Feature section of Web Template Onet.XML. All the features refered in Web Features section of  web template will get activated autoamtically when a site created using that template but the site features have to activated manually.

I resolved this issue by 

Removing the unwanted feature references from the Site Features section of Web Template.
Activating the required site features in a site collection feature prior to the web template based site creation.

Different behavior of OOTB Blog list while versioning

Per my understanding Post list behaves differently from other SharePoint list types when it comes to content approval and versioning. Please check the  following list(see the underlined lines). I doubt this is a bug with the product...
Post List:
if Content Approval Reqd=No AND  Versioning = No     : No version created on saving existing blog posts, Save As Draft option not available
if Content Approval Reqd=No AND  Versioning = Yes    : Versions created on saving existing blog posts, Save As Draft option not available
if Content Approval Reqd=Yes AND  Versioning = No    : No versions created on saving existing blog posts, Save As Draft option available
if Content Approval Reqd=Yes AND  Versioning = Yes  : No versions created on saving existing blog posts, Save As Draft option available
All other list types:
if Content Approval Reqd=No AND  Versioning = No     : No version created on saving existing blog posts, Approval option not available
if Content Approval Reqd=No AND  Versioning = Yes    : Versions created on saving existing blog posts, Approval option not available
if Content Approval Reqd=Yes AND  Versioning = No    : No versions created on saving existing blog posts, Approval option available
if Content Approval Reqd=Yes AND  Versioning = Yes  : versions created on saving existing blog posts, Approval option available